On this page, I share some information about project management in general and a bit about my experiences.

What is a project anyway? A project is a temporary undertaking to produce a unique product, service, or result with a defined beginning and end. It delivers something special and is not part of the running business or operations. For example, selling furniture is not a project. However, developing a line of furniture for a new market can be a project. When that development is achieved, the project ends.

The objective of project management

The objective of project management is to produce a complete project which complies with the client’s goals. In many cases, project management aims to shape or reform the client’s brief to feasibly address the client’s objectives. Ill-defined or too tightly prescribed project management objectives are damaging to decision making.

The primary challenge

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints. The primary project constraints are scope, time, budget. Meaning that we should stick to what we want to do, deliver in a set window of time and not spend more money than planned. Often three additional constraints are mentioned; quality, risks and resources. A project manager has to balance these often competing constraints to secure progress and project success.

The secondary challenge

The secondary challenge is to optimise the allocation of necessary resources to meet pre-defined objectives. This means that resources need to be available at the right time at the right place. Optimisation of work processes and removing impediments are vital activities to secure.

A third project management challenge

A third project management challenge is to adapt to the ever-changing surroundings of the project. Sometimes a project can deliver relatively stand-alone but often, business objectives change, or a product owner identifies a customer need that needs to be pulled in to stay competitive. Again, things change, so project management needs to focus on the objectives and adapt when required.

Project methodology

This brings me to the project methodology. A project can be run by one person or by thousands involved at various stages. A decision needs to be made on the delivery method. One can opt for a predictive (‘waterfall’) approach or more agile, or even a hybrid methodology where you mix what is working best when needed. It is always good to consider what the best method is, start to finish. Don’t just start…

Every project brings change. You can find more on Change Management here
